Serving the community in Huddersfield and beyond.
Ashmans Solicitors in Huddersfield
All enquiries are welcome. We are active members of the local community and can help you with housing disrepair claims to benefit fraud charges. Our legal departments also include motoring defence and criminal law
Where to find us
We are conveniently located in Huddersfield town centre, a short walk from the railway station.
Our address is:
7 Northumberland Street
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Tel: 03330096275
Email: enquiries@ashmanssolicitors.com
Contact us now for a
no-obligation free consultation
Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal query and please be as detailed as possible. To help us answer you quickly, you’ll need to first describe the issue you’re having – then tell us what you want to achieve. Contact your local solicitors.
If English is not your first language, do not worry. We have multi-lingual staff who can help you.
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Solicitors in Huddersfield
To take advantage of our award-winning legal team. We help people across the country.
Make an Appointment
Please note that our Huddersfield office is by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment with a Huddersfield solicitor, please contact us today.
Make a Free Enquiry
Contact us now for a free, no-obligation enquiry. Simply tell us about your legal matter and we’ll explain how we can help. This is completely free of charge.
To get started, fill out the free online enquiry form. Alternatively, call us on 03330096275 or email enquiries@ashmanssolicitors.com.
Our Services
We have the expertise to help you with a range of legal matters, including:
Each legal department offers specialist legal advice and representation. Your needs are our priority. We do everything in our power to help you.
Other Locations
You can find us in London and the north of England. Feel free to drop us a line, give us a call, or pay us a visit.